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Sharpen Your Blade

Lead & Develop

Leadership Philosophy


There’s Only Servant Leadership

Being a Leader means you enable, encourage and inspire the greatness in others. The higher you climb, the more you become the #1 servant.



Courage Above All

Leading others requires confidence in the face of adversity and uncertainty. Digging deep and being able to harness confidence will allow your Team to accomplish the impossible.



Building Your Oak Tree

We are all human and can forget how great we can be.  Remembering and building defining moments will allow you to ground yourself, before going into the storm. 



Energy Is Everything

You won’t always have the answer.  During tough times, sometimes all your people need is to know their Leader is still in the game.


Team Forging


Grit | Presence | Self-Awareness | Team Dynamics

  • People Centered
  • Employ Courage & Curiosity To Evoke Meaningful Engagements
  • Techniques And Philosophies That Apply To All Industries And Team
  • Faster Alone, Further Together
  • Reference Point Leadership: Building Flashbacks Your Teams Can Revist For Strength & Connection

These sessions have been designed, programmed and inspired from real-world situations that required Leading Teams in high-stake environments & accomplishing the impossible. Each engagement provokes meaningful conversation, action and lasting impact.

Whether we are meeting you at your HQ or company off-site, we are confident that your Team will walk away more connected and energized to take on the task at hand.

Grit | Presence | Self-Awareness | Team Dynamics

  • People Centered
  • Employ Courage & Curiosity To Evoke Meaningful Engagements
  • Techniques And Philosophies That Apply To All Industries And Team
  • Faster Alone, Further Together
  • Reference Point Leadership: Building Flashbacks Your Teams Can Revist For Strength & Connection

These sessions have been designed, programmed and inspired from real-world situations that required Leading Teams in high-stake environments & accomplishing the impossible. Each engagement provokes meaningful conversation, action and lasting impact.

Whether we are meeting you at your HQ, company off-site, we are confident that your Team will walk away more connected and energized to take on the task at hand.

Iron Sharpens Iron


Coaching Focus Areas

New Venture Creation | High Stakes Decision Making  | Confidence + Presence | Self-Awareness | Empathy | Chief of Staff | Individual Contributor to People Leader | Wellness | Self-Care

Coaching Focused Areas

New Venture Creation | High Stakes Decision Making  | Confidence + Presence | Self-Awareness | Empathy | Chief of Staff | Individual Contributor to People Leader | Wellness | Self-Care

Ready To Be Inspired?


Joseph Focuses On The Power Of People And Their Ability To Move Mountains

  • Inspiring & Guiding Leaders so that they can better serve their tribes.
  • Popular Topics: Leadership in High Stake Environments | Adventure + Survival as a Leadership Tool | Grit & Resilience for You and Your Team

Joseph Focuses On The Power Of People And Their Ability To Move Mountains

  • Inspiring & Guiding Leaders so that they can better serve their tribes.
  • Popular Topics: Leadership in High Stake Environments | Adventure + Survival as a Leadership Tool | Grit & Resilience for You and Your Team